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Good news for tea lovers: put this special thing in tea, it won't even come close to Corona and there will be such benefits

Currently the whole world is fighting Corona. Sadly, the world has no cure or medicine to stop corona. This is the reason why thousands of people have died in the world today. And even today millions of people are suffering from corona. Many countries in the world are in a very serious situation but to prevent such a serious situation in India, Prime Minister Modi has given a lockdown across the country and asked people to stay at home.

Now at such times everyone is fighting Corona. So there are no corona drugs or vaccines here but by doing this you are quite likely not to get corona. Tea is such an addiction that one or two people will have it at home. If people don't get food, they get chained, but if they don't get tea, they don't get a second chain. Now even in such a situation we can take advantage of it and fight against Corona.

You may have taken a sip of cardamom, ginger and masala tea many times so far. But have you ever tasted ajma tea? Especially in winter, people drink ajma tea to ward off the cold so that the cold goes away and there is no problem like cold. But in the midst of the current cholera epidemic, many people drink a lot of boiled tea to get rid of the cold. So let us tell you how to make the best ajma tea?

First keep the water in a container over medium heat to boil. Add tea leaves, parsley and ginger and boil for one minute. When the water turns dark, add milk and sugar and let it boil again. Now let it boil for 2-3 minutes and then turn off the gas and strain the tea into a cup. And then you can enjoy the tried and tested tea.

Read in  Gujarati

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