Bhuj. Following the outbreak of Corona virus Covid-19, which has been declared a global pandemic, screening is being carried out by the district administration in Kutch district. A further 4014 individuals have been screened from 4pm on Wednesday to 4pm on Thursday. A total of 209246 people have been screened so far.
So far a total of 1910 suspected cases have been sampled. So far a total of 1724 persons have reported negative. There are currently 49 active positive cases. Reports of 80 suspected cases are pending. A total of 49 samples have been rejected so far, according to the district administration.
A further 1559 were home quarantined District Magistrate and Collector Kutch Pravina d. That. And according to the Disaster Management Branch, a total of 16,104 people have been placed under quarantine in the district following the Corona virus. Suspicious patients from outside have been operated by the system for a quarantine period of 14 days. In the last 24 hours, 1559 people have been placed under home quarantine.
Out of a total of 16104, 14545 persons have been quarantined at home. A total of 24731 persons were home quarantined. Out of which 10186 persons have completed 14 days quarantine period. There are 304 isolation wards in various hospitals of the district. Out of a total of 182 suspects, 16 have been discharged so far.
46 patients are admitted. The district has a total of 2531 institutional quarantine arrangements. In which 1759 persons have been placed under quarantine. Of these, 200 have been released from quarantine. Of which 1559 persons are currently in quarantine.
Read in Gujarati
Follow the rules of the government and stay at home and save the country from the Corona virus
So far a total of 1910 suspected cases have been sampled. So far a total of 1724 persons have reported negative. There are currently 49 active positive cases. Reports of 80 suspected cases are pending. A total of 49 samples have been rejected so far, according to the district administration.
A further 1559 were home quarantined District Magistrate and Collector Kutch Pravina d. That. And according to the Disaster Management Branch, a total of 16,104 people have been placed under quarantine in the district following the Corona virus. Suspicious patients from outside have been operated by the system for a quarantine period of 14 days. In the last 24 hours, 1559 people have been placed under home quarantine.
Out of a total of 16104, 14545 persons have been quarantined at home. A total of 24731 persons were home quarantined. Out of which 10186 persons have completed 14 days quarantine period. There are 304 isolation wards in various hospitals of the district. Out of a total of 182 suspects, 16 have been discharged so far.
46 patients are admitted. The district has a total of 2531 institutional quarantine arrangements. In which 1759 persons have been placed under quarantine. Of these, 200 have been released from quarantine. Of which 1559 persons are currently in quarantine.
Read in Gujarati
Follow the rules of the government and stay at home and save the country from the Corona virus