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Dengue, chickenpox and malarias

 Dengue Fever Fact distance

Dengue fever is a viral complaint, transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopitus.
In addition to dengue, ADC mosquitoes spread chickenpox, unheroic fever and Zika viral infections.
50 50 of the world's population is at threat of contracting the complaint.
Four types of dengue contagion have been delved . These include DEN- 1, DEN- 2, DEN- 3 and DEN- 4, which give a lifelong impunity to a case who has been infected with the contagion.
• 390 million people have been infected with dengue, this dengue infection is from 128 countries. Of these 390 million dengue infected people, 96 million are infected.
According to another estimate, 5 lakh people in the world are rehabilitated due to severe dengue. And2.5 percent of these cases have been set up to be fatal.
Symptoms of viral fever appear in the body about 4 to 10 days after a mosquito bite.
use there.



opinion of Dengue
Tests for the opinion of this complaint are readily available in our country.

Dengue NS- 1 antigen and dengue antibody are tested.
The stylish test for dengue contagion Dengue contagion PCR is also available there as it gives us a opinion on the first day. Which test is precious.

• Blood cell count needs to be done constantly in the alternate routine test. In which the platelets i.e. platelet count continues to drop, leukocytes drop and hemoconcentration occurs and hemoglobin appears to increase. This is generally seen in every case.
Dengue Prevention
Reduce mosquito infestation, help waterlogging around the house and in the house, keep the water in the cooler empty, spot germicide, use mosquito agarbati and germicide vaporizer.

Wear acceptable body covering, apply transplant on the body.

Dispose of waste well.
It's judicious to seek treatment as soon as the symptoms of dengue appear as per the croaker
's advice.
Symptoms of Dengue
• oppressively high fever, headache, nausea, muscle and bone pain, nausea, puking, red rashes on the skin.

• Dengue Hemorrhagic fever Bleeding anywhere in the body- similar as blood in the urine, blood in the restroom, snoring, puking is set up in this extreme type of dengue. Which can be fatal. This type of case is admitted to the ICU.

Important link::

Treatment of Dengue
Primarily in the treatment of this contagion is to control the symptoms.
It's necessary to control fever, maintain body hydration, control vomiting/ nausea and treat according to the symptoms.
No antivirus has been detected to kill the contagion.
The vaccine to control the contagion is being delved by the Dengvaxia Sanofi Laboratory and in African countries where dengue outbreaks are set up in further than 70 of perennials. Come in