Friends is a new Indian ticktalk rival that has gained the most popularity in the country in a very short span of time. Released just over a month ago, the app has received over 5 million downloads. At the moment, ticketing is facing many controversies in India. And at a time when anti-China sentiment is at a high point, you will also see reviews that give friends high ratings.
“The application is reported to have been developed by IIT Roorkee student Sivank Agarwal and at first glance it looks like a cloak of Tiktok.
The Friends app ranks seventh among free apps on the Google Play charts, ahead of Instagram, Hello and Facebook. It tops Tiktok (number two) and Arogya Setu, though it was second in Pattan on Monday, as seen in a tweet by former senior vice president Deepak Abbott. There doesn't seem to be anything in the app that's too much. The question is whether this app can survive in India - as it has obviously started to lose some momentum in 24 hours.
According to media reports, a student of IIT Roorkee has developed the 'Friends' app. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. Tiktok is a popular app for short videos and posting. But after the Corona virus epidemic, the country's youth are angry about China. So now a lot of people are demanding a boycott of Tiktok. On the other hand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi often uses the word 'friends' in his speeches. So now people are starting to adopt this indigenous app.
50 lakh people downloaded in 1 month
According to media reports, the app has been downloaded more than 5 million (5 million) from the Google Play Store within a month of its launch and the download graph is steadily increasing. However, at present there is a huge gap between the app and Tiktok's nearly 600 million subscribers in India. But it is believed that this indigenous 'friends' app will soon hit Tiktok in India. This is because the features that are a part of this handset are quite sophisticated, to say the least.
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