Tensions on the border between India and China have risen since the last week of May. A photo is being shared by Mahesh Vikram Hegde's Post Card News. This photo shows global leaders speaking in favor of India.
The following sentences are written in this photo: -
1) Those who are planning to attack India will have to face us: - Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel
2) We are always with India: - Putin of Russia
3) India is our friend and we are always with India: - Donald Trump of America
4) If China invades India, China's end will begin: - Japan's Shinzo Abe
The photo was posted on Facebook on May 30 by a fake news portal called Postcard News. This photo has been shared more than 850 times.
We started looking for the statements of the leaders appearing in the photos during the fact check. But we did not find any evidence that any of the leaders made the statement as per the photo. The United States and Russia have stated opposition to using force or imposing sanctions on Iran.
On May 9, US President Donald Trump spoke of mediating between India and China. The very next day, President Trump claimed that he had spoken to Prime Minister Modi and Modi replied that he was not in a "good mood" over the major conflict between India and China.
We have informed both India and China that the United States is ready, willing and able to mediate or arbitrate their now raging border dispute. Thank you!
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On June 1, Russian Ambassador Roman Babushki told India Today that the two countries have developed mechanisms and tools. We are confident that Indian and Chinese friends are ready to find a way to mutual satisfaction. We will encourage every effort.
While Japan and Israel have not made any public comment to prove that the statements made by world leaders in this viral photo are fake.
In the recent past, tensions between India and Pakistan have been spreading a lot of fake news about the relations between the two countries.