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Environment Day: This is the tree-man of India, who has planted about one crore trees so far

Daripalli Ramaiya of Telangana is known as the tree-man of India. But his tree-man name is not the same. It takes many years of hard work. Ramaiya Bhai, 80, is so obsessed with trees, plants and greenery that he has devoted his entire life to protecting trees. Ramaiya Bhai, who has dedicated his entire life to planting plants, has planted 12 crore plants.
At first everyone called him insane after seeing his insanity in planting, but today when the threat of global warming came, people praised his work.
Find out when the tradition of planting began
Ramaiya Bhai's obsession with planting began to distract him. Then Ramaiya Bhai started a new campaign. They wanted to make the earth green. So they plan a long trip to the district by keeping seeds in their pockets and plants on bicycles and planting plants wherever vacant land appears. He has been awarded the Academy of Universal Global Peace.
Received Padma Shri award
Brother Ramaiya devoted his entire life to planting and caring for plants. Seeing his passion for it, the Central Government honored him with the Padma Shri award.
You will be surprised to know that Ramaiya Bhai sold his three acres of land so that he could buy seeds and plants with his money.