Currently in Gujarat, along with Corona, Megharaja has also knocked. In many parts of Gujarat, Megharaja has caused a stir. Due to which many places were flooded. And people were very uncomfortable. A few days ago, heavy rains in Ahmedabad caused a flood-like situation. And the water was overflowing. And many were also harmed.
In Amreli district, continuous rainy weather was created. In Bagasara panth, continuous rainy weather was observed. In Bagasara Hamapur village, rivers and canals were flooded due to heavy rains. Just two days ago, seven people were swept away by a bullock cart in Hamapur village of Bagasara in Amreli. In this tragic incident 4 people have died while 3 people have been rescued. An ox was also killed in the incident. The dead included two women and two children.
The bodies of people trapped in the torrential downpour have been found near Khijadia village. Wadi was returning home in a cart. In the meantime this has become a tragic event. A team of police and fire brigade rushed to the spot and found the bodies of the four near Khijariya village. The bodies of the deceased are currently being shifted to a government hospital for PM by the Tantra.
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